Each one of these bourgeoning brands that will be featured in the blog this week are building quite a reputation. Their wines won't be hidden gems for long. Get out your Little Black Book and take note.
Today, we look at a newish outfit from McLaren Vale:
This playful palindromic producer is a partnership between two winemakers: Australian born Ben Caldwell and Mexican native Mauricio Ruiz Cantu.
Somos (meaning 'We Are' in Spanish) was started as something of a side label. While they were making wine under the Juguette label, primarily to import back to Mauricio's homeland, Somos was set up to produce a small amount of wine that the boys themselves wanted to drink.
A suite of awesome alternative varieties have emerged from their cellar ever since. From slurpy Cabernet Franc and electric Barbera Rosés, to funky skin-contact Verdelhos and smooth yet savoury Aglianico, there are many strings to their bow.

Ben Caldwell and Mexican native Mauricio Ruiz Cantu
Somos is no longer a side hustle. The operation is cranking up. And it's no wonder!
The packaging is brilliant. The easy, smashable style of the wines demand to be demolished in short order. They have some Mexican wines on the water to add to their Australian suite which should spice things up this year.
There is going to be plenty of buzz around these boys in 2020 as more scrumptious Somos creations smash the coolest wine bars in the country. Check them out. Great buying on offer from these boys, right across their range.
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